Contractor Connection makes finding a trusted contractor easy
For more than 25 years, Contractor Connection has been in the business of restoring and enhancing lives, businesses and communities.…
The history of Crawford & Company
In 1941, Jim Crawford founded Crawford and Company with the goal of providing quality work promptly. 80 years later, Crawford…
Absence Management
Crawford’s Human Risk Specialists work with organizations across all industries and across North America to identify challenges in…
Michelle Jarrard named Non-Executive Board Chair of Crawford & Company
Crawford announced that Michelle Jarrard, a current Company Board member, has been named non-executive chair of the Board of…
Product Recall: Adjusting to today's risks
Globalization, tech-enabled products, and Covid-19, among other factors, have introduced new risks and uncertainty for manufacturers…
Managing effective return to work solutions
Managing injured employees return to work safely and early is the cornerstone of Crawford Canada’s Human Risk Services. Every…
Crawford appoints Eric Pepin as Branch Manager of our Quebec Hub
Crawford & Company (NYSE: CRD-A and CRD-B), the world’s largest publicly- listed independent provider of claims management and…
Complex Casualty Services brochure
Casualty claims come in all shapes and sizes. Those involving multiple parties or long-tail exposures can add additional layers of…
Crawford appoints Jason Spencer to Global President, Crawford Legal Services
Crawford & Company (NYSE: CRD-A and CRD-B), the world’s largest publicly listed independent provider of claims management…
Crawford appoints Robert Holmes as Canada’s Complex Casualty Practice Leader
Crawford & Company (NYSE: CRD-A and CRD-B), the world’s largest publicly listed independent provider of claims management and…
Cyber Update: Microsoft Exchange server vulnerability
The specialist Cyber team at Crawford & Company continues to successfully manage significant levels of new instructions in relation…
Restoring and enhancing lives — a Workers' Compensation claims management case study
A Crawford Workers' Compensation Consultant was assigned a claim for one of Crawford’s clients which were reported as a ‘chance…