White Paper
Leveraging analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance employer return to work programs
Research shows that returning to work speeds up the injured worker’s healing process; therefore, it is in the best interest of injured workers to proactively pursue return to work. A report by the Conference Board of Canada states that employees do not have sufficient confidence that employers will support their return to work should they sustain an injury or develop an illness. Fewer than 4 in 10 employees (39%) believe that their organization has programs in place to help keep them at work instead of requiring a leave of absence when they are experiencing health issues.
Both the employee and employer stand to lose from poor or ineffective return to work programs and therefore employers should develop or update their programs to increase their success rate. With developments in technology positively impacting society in many ways, can technology facilitate return to work efforts? Well, some innovative and industry-leading software solutions are doing just that.
Crawford EmployerWORKS, powered by MyAbilities, is a software solution that effectively addresses many of the challenges associated with traditional approaches to conducting physical demands analysis, preventive ergonomics, claim and medical management practices, and job matching after injury or illness.